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You find yourself enjoying the attention from people and love to make new friends. Or find yourself digging into a mess to look for a solution to what seems to others as an impossible task. Someone comes to you with a negative attitude or you just want to be left alone – why do you feel this way?
Have you ever wondered what makes up your personality?
After studying personality types – I thought it would be a valuable tool to share and give some basic information about what our own makeup is like.
Categorically there are four basic styles recognized by professionals – but will also add that they can overlap so although you may have many in one category, you can also have some in another.
Have fun figuring out where you fit and where you see others in your life fitting. It may help you understand them better, know them better and perhaps help find a way to improve relationships with those who you may not find anything in common with.
- Popular Sanguine; always want to do it the fun way
Strengths Weaknesses Emotional Needs
loves people hates schedules needs lots of attention
makes friends easy Can't say NO Touchy, feely, affectionate
Always Active Gets bored easy Needs affirmation, approval
Exciting Loses track of time Accepts – As Is
Good humor Lacks focus needs friends
- Powerful Choleric; wants to have it done my way
Strengths Weaknesses Emotional Needs
Problem solver Overconfident Needs to control
Loves a challenge Workaholic Needs loyalty from others
Born Leader Arrogant Appreciation for serving
Shows Confidence Too bossy Wants credit for good works
Work Oriented Can't Apologize Limited friendships
- Perfect Melancholy; wants to do it the right way
Strengths Weaknesses Emotional Needs
Analytical Perfectionist Sensitive to others feelings
Planner Inflexible Needs support when down
Organized Poor Self-Image Loves silence
Loves Charts/grafts Naively idealistic Hard to please
Works well alone Negative attitude Space to be alone
- Peaceful Phlegmatic; wants to do it the easy way
Strengths Weaknesses Emotional Needs
Low-Key Uninvolved Lack of Stress
Good Listener Procrastinator Peaceful
Few Enemies Gives in easily Quiet
Considerate Stubborn Feeling of Worth
Steady & Reliable Hates change Respectful
Ultimately remember, God gave us our personality traits. How we use these gifts will determine the kind of Winning Woman each of us are. We aren't all the same, but we need all kinds to bring balance in our lives. Together we are like a beautifully crafted quilt covering each others' weaknesses and showing our strengths. Otherwise we are merely independent parts; (sanguine, choleric, melancholy, phlegmatic) looking for where we belong. I would love to meet you and include you in my circle of Life.
May I invite you to be a Winning Woman friend?
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