Image by joaquimb via Flickr
Instead, she goes to the grave site of the child she allowed others to take from her womb years ago as a young girl. The guilt infested her heart, and filled her with anger and sadness. Deciding she would not let it just disappear from her life like a some stain removed in the wash cycle, she opted to make a memorial of the child she could have had the joy of celebrating Mother's Day with.
Every year Mother's Day celebrations come and go. Some turn out well, and for some it is a heartbreaking, gut-wrenching, sad and disappointing day.
Many a woman has looked at this day with disdain, because, sometime, early in her life, she may have had an abortion, given up her child for adoption, due to an illness lost her child. She thinks about the fact that she is not a mother, could have been a mom, and her heart is filled with sadness, mourning over this loss.
It may be that because of various situations and circumstances, a young girl chooses to end the life of her child without fully understanding the consequences of this "choice" in years to come. Most regret this decision and live with the guilt, the pain and the sorrow for the rest of their lives.
Regardless of the reasons, it is still painful for many women to think about let alone talk about it, especially on Mother's Day.
Thankfully, we have a Heavenly Father who reaches out to us with unconditional love and forgives us, restores our soul and waters our spirits, so that we can once again become whole and begin anew. The refreshing and cleansing is the turning point for women who need to accept what was done, ask forgiveness from God and themselves, and be able to know that God will give a new beginning for those who ask!
The Bible encourages us with this; In Romans chapter 8 verse 1; So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus... He is the restorer of our soul, our being, it is the hole that He fills with His love,mercy and grace.
Grace is the undeserved favor of God,which He lavishly pours out upon His children. There is nothing you can do to deserve it, just love Him as your Savior and Lord.
When we look to celebrate this precious day of remembrance, rejoicing in our own mothers, children, grandchildren - let us be sensitive to the women who are grieving on this day. A prayer, a smile, an invitation, an extended opportunity to share God's grace and love is a wonderful and kind gift to give any woman on any day. We never know when our paths cross with the woman God has chosen for us to meet and befriend, encourage, esteem, love on, hug, and pray with.
This Mother's Day, if you are a woman who has been through the pain of such loss, or a woman who is looking to celebrate - I hope your paths cross. It just might be the most wonderful Mother's day for you both!
Every woman is loved and precious to God - without conditions, He loves you!
Celebrate the fact that you are His wonderfully created and beautiful Winning Woman!
thump up! to this article! very truly, we need to think about those mother that have been hurt! and forget! you really born to be a writter! keep sharing your heart!
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